NLP Training Vancouver

Which Path Would You Take?

There I was, sitting on the bedroom floor in tears. I had just hung up from my husband and was feeling lost and alone, wondering how I could go on.

We had separated a few months earlier, which had been a surprise to me at the time.

My daughter was around 9 months old and my son was just over 3 and I didn’t know how I was going to cope with being a single mom. Especially when my heart was breaking.

At some point as I was sitting there, I seemed to hear this inner voice that said “you have a choice to either focus on what you have in your life which you love, or you can focus on what’s missing.” At that point I had a flash of what my life would be like if I focused on what I loved, which was my children and what my life would be like if I focused on what was missing, which was my husband. I could see two different paths leading in opposite directions. I instinctively knew which path I would take and I also knew that I had to consciously focus on the love I had for my children otherwise it would be too easy to go down the other path. I had to trust my inner guidance without question.

I decided at that moment to focus on my children. Because of that one choice our life was filled with love and joy. I’m not saying that at that time I wouldn’t have rather stayed together as a family, but since that wasn’t the case, it was up to me to create a life filled with love and joy for myself and my children.

That was a pivotal life-changing decision for me and impacted everything I did from that point forward. It was definitely an ”Oh Shift” moment for me.

I often think back to that time and am so grateful for the choice I made.

Sometimes life’s challenges can be overwhelming and not exactly what we had hoped for. No matter what happens, we always have a choice as to how we will respond and that choice will impact the direction of the rest of our life.

When shift happens what will you choose?

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