NLP Training Vancouver

Outcome Process for Positive Results

Utilizing the Outcome Process in Relationship Building

Outcomes are key to your success. They are more than goals and the more clarity you have around your outcomes, the more likely you are to complete your interaction with others successfully.

Before communicating with your client take a moment to:
1. Imagine going out 5 minutes past the successful completion of your conversation.
2. Imagine it as if you’re there now.
3. Notice what you see, hear, what you’re doing, what you’re saying to yourself and how it feels to have successfully completed the interaction or situation.
4. Connect to the feeling. The more you utilize all of your senses the more connected you’ll be to your outcome.

When you’ve completed the process, take a moment to focus and then proceed to take action.

This process helps you to clarify your intention and gives you focus, which makes you better prepared.

This is also a very useful process to overcome anxiety or help you feel different about a situation you’re
not looking forward to. It will also greatly influence your results.

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