NLP Training Vancouver

One-on-One Breakthrough Performance Coaching

You have achieved your goals and now what? You’ve always had a clear direction, knew what you wanted and how to get it. Now things have changed and you feel frustrated with the status quo, yet unmotivated about your next move.

Private session – seven hours
Register Here


Imagine that your life has been going along as planned and then things begin to change. You have achieved your career goals and have a great life but something seems to be missing. The career you have always enjoyed doesn’t give you the same fulfillment. You have achieved the goals that you set and now what? Even your relationship doesn’t have the same spark. You feel disappointed, frustrated and unmotivated and this isn’t like you. You have always had a clear direction, knew what you wanted and how to get it. You’re searching but haven’t been able to find the answer. Feeling stuck is not a comfortable place to be.

Regain your focus and get back on track with Breakthrough Performance Coaching.

If you are serious about your success, it is time to break through the barriers and take your career to the next level. YOU are in charge of your life.  Only you can remove the obstacles getting in your way. Don’t let other people or situations limit you. Take back control!

If you are:

  • Ready to move to the next level of your personal or professional development
  • Seeking balance in your life
  • Wanting to regain your personal power
  • Wanting to increase sales
  • Feeling that something is missing
  • Feeling unfulfilled or stuck
  • Changing direction or careers
  • Advancing in your career and are unsure of yourself
  • Unable to cope with job pressures
  • Experiencing conflicts with co-workers
  • Experiencing problems in your relationship,

Then our Breakthrough Coaching program has been proven successful when all else has failed!

This program is unique in its presentation style and content. It is delivered in a private setting and will give you the clarity, confidence and courage to break through the barriers that lead to Breakthrough Performance.

What you will gain:

  • Improved Leadership Skills – the ability to apporpreately respond rather than react. Eliminate your triggers and increase your EQ (Emotional Quotient)
  • Reduce Stress – find your inner resources so you’re in control even if things appear to be collapsing around you.
  • Change in Perspective – gain the ability to assess the situation without the emotional triggers attached. This is critical for sound decision making.
  • Increased Confidence – which is aligned with your position, capabilities and responsibilities. Remove inner conflict which sends mixed messages.
  • Clarity and focus – leading to effective decision making an solution focused thinking
  • Reprogram your future — with one of the most advanced and effective goal setting processes available today.

Discover what is holding you back and get ready for the next chapter.  It’s waiting for you now!  To schedule your breakthrough experience contact us today.

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